Friday, August 19, 2011

Retrofitting insulation in a garden office log cabin

This week we were asked to insulate a log cabin purchased a few years ago from a competitor. The company in question were asked if they would fit insulation but they said they couldn't we on the other hand were more than happy to help.

Celotex foil backed insulation fitted between battens fixed to the side of the roof joists

Celotex on the standard floor if sufficient drop over the door threshold. This could be a problem if the door has a low threshold and may mean lifting the standard floor to fit insulation underneath between the floor joists. Obviously this is easier if insulation is added during installation as lifting the fitted floor without damage could be difficult.

In this case there was a 70mm drop across the threshold which is more than enough.

We fit 50mm Celotex in the roof and floor and most typically laminate or real wood floors on top of the insulation. Ceilings are finished with 9.5mm tapered edge plasterboard between the rafters and then edges are tape and joint filled. Finally the edges of the plasterboard and laminate floor are finished with a finishing timber. This finishing timber also helps to support the plasteboard.

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